Saturday, March 14, 2020

Does Having Color on My Resume Affect My Chance of Getting Hired

Does Having Color on My Resume Affect My Chance of Getting Hired33Recruiters take a short six seconds to screen your resume. Resumes are therefore sorted with quick first impressions in mind. Does this look like the right candidate? Are there appropriate skills on the page? These are all things the recruiter thinks about when your resume comes across their desk.Where does color come into the conversation? Well, recruiters tend to favor resumes that show creativity in their resume that matches the requirement of creativity in their role. Used effectively, your resume color can help you stand out, demonstrate culture fit, and direct attention. Used poorly, color on your resume can look gimmicky and throw the recruiter off. See the benefits and drawbacks of using color on your resume along with the best strategy to get hired. The benefits of including color on your resumeDemonstrating culture fit A benefit to including color on your resume is the ability to demonstrate culture fit. Spec ifically, you can use your color scheme to match the brand of your potential employer. Not only does this show your awareness of the organisations brand, but your attention to detail in your work. While this wont be enough on its own to get you hired, it will certainly be a detail that sets you apart. When Pavel was building his data scientist resume, he chose a blue color scheme that matched the brand of, where he eventually got hired. He credits these small details for giving him an edge over other applicants.Tip Create a resume just like Pavels using Enhancvs resume builder that perfectly balances professionality and personality. Automated Tracking Systems A concern you may be dealing with is reisepassing through Automated Tracking Systems (ATS). These are designed and utilised by recruiters to screen resumes submitted for certain resume buzzwords, key attributes, and so on. Unlike your resume length or format, the color your use on your resume will not affect your pe rformance in ATS. So, theres no need to worry.Direct attention Ask yourself one question when putting your resume together what three things do you want the recruiter to remember about you? We all have key points in our career we want to ensure the recruiter sees. On top of that, youre hoping the recruiter sees how you answer the job description. Using color, you can highlight the absolute most important parts of your resume. This can be key sections, or even words. Anything to help you pass the 6 second test. In his IT resume, Adam used color to organise graphics when detailing his typical day of work. This simple graphic quickly draws the attention of the recruiter and focuses their attention on the makeup of Adams typical day from utilising his skills in technical support to building relationships through networking. No limitation on your physical resume Adding color to your resume doesnt add limitation in fact, it gives you mora options. When crafting your resume using a distin ct color palette, you always have the option of printing your resume in greyscale for those organisations that may prefer a mora traditional resume design. Its the best of both worlds. DrawbacksGimmicky Recruiters will appreciate resumes that use color to add to their resume, but not those that take away from their resume. Using countless color combinations and variations across your resume will look gimmicky. It will look like youre trying to overcompensate for a lack of experience and/or appropriate skills the last thing you want to do. Distort readability Some colors can be difficult to read depending on the type of paper theyre printed on. Theres also a chance the recruiter may struggle with very bright colors or they may not present as pigmented on their computer screen compared to yours. If youre using color on important text, this can distort readability. More expensive printingAs a more practical drawback of color on your resume, youll have to spend more money on printing. W hether this is on your personal printer (i.e., purchasing more color ink) or in printing shops, the cost is higher. The question youll have to ask yourself is simple is it worth it? Strategy Primary, Secondary, and Accent To catch your recruiters attention and avoid coming off as gimmicky, the best way of using color on your resume is to pick three. One color should serve as your primary color, a second color as your secondary color, and your third color as an accent. The accent color is used to draw attention and highlight the most important parts on your resume.When developing his teacher resume, Ben did just this. Using grey as his primary color, black as his secondary color, and blue as his accent, St. Francis Xavier College saw the skills that made him a gifted career advisor and teacher. The primary, secondary, and accent strategy has been used across countless industries. Our users have effectively used it when getting hired at places like Spotify, Verizon Digital Media Servi ces, and These successes arent limited to the tech sector, however. Daniel used it when creating his customer support resume, Casey in her volunteering resume, and Melanie in her sales resume. Match to your titelseite letterConsistency is key in most aspects of life. The same is true when using color on your resume. Theres little sense in topping your resume (thats full of life and color) with a black and white cover letter. Be sure to match the colour scheme across all materials your present the recruiter. Consider resume paper The resume paper you print your resume on can have a great effect on the color fonts and graphics you include. If youre planning on printing on white paper, most colors will print and read well off of this. The same cant be said if you use black paper, or even blue or pink. Should you use color on your resume? Yes When it comes to resume color, the question shouldnt centre around whether you should or not (you should) but rather on how youll inc orporate color. As outlined above, using the primary, secondary, and accent color strategy is the best way to get noticed by recruiters and focus their attention.

Monday, March 9, 2020

10 Hacks to Help You Get Back Into Work Mode After Vacation - Fairygodboss

10 Hacks to Help You Get Back Into Work Mode After Vacation - Fairygodboss Ah, vacation. We dream of it. The relaxing days away from the demands of work and of life. Im sure you can picture it now.But wait, theres a dark side.The return to reality and to work.While going on vacation can be bliss, the return to ur normal schedule can be less than, well, blissful.We work so hard to get ready to leave our routine so we can take some time off only to come back to the stress of the work we left undone, along with a pile of new tasks on top of it. That could be enough to make anyone run back to the resort.To help you ease back into your work routine after a vacation, here are some simple hacks you can try1. Plan an extra day off when you returnLets face itWhen you arrive back home, youre going to be exhausted and havea heap of laundry, an empty fridge and a pile of mail to sort through. The last thing youll want to do is get up early to head into the office the day after you return.Why n ot plan an extra day off to get your life back in order before you get back to work? If this isnt an option,return on a Friday or Saturday when youll have a built-in day or two to get organized.2.Set your alarm clock a little laterIf you can, allow yourself to rest up. While theres a myth that vacations are relaxing, for many of us, theyre just not. Traveling can be tiring. And if you go to a destination where youre doing a lot of hiking orparticipating in a lot of activities, youre probably more active than you are at home.If possible, sleep-in just a little. Take a nap. Go to bed a slightly earlier. Youll feel much better about everything if youre well rested.3.Make plans to meet a friend for lunchIf you have a lunch date with a friend on the calendar for your first day back in the office, youll have something to look forward to. This can ease your transition back to the grind. You can talk about your vacation and relive some of the memories you made.4.Prioritize your to-do listWe all have those tasks that, while they need to be done, can wait another day or week.Be sure to prioritize your tasks so that what really needs to be accomplished is at the top of your list. Then, work on those less essential items as time allows. Dont try to get it all done in your first days back.5.Try accomplishing smaller tasks firstSpeaking of that to-do list If you can knock out some less intensive tasks first, you may be more motivated to get started on the bigger ones. If youre overwhelmed, its hard to get started at all.You may find that being able to achieve a few smaller tasks quickly will give you momentum.6. Organize before you leaveWhen we go on a trip, were always stressed about getting out the door. Why not take a little extra time to set yourself up for success before you leave so that returning isnt such a nightmare?Make a list of all the things that need to be done when you get back. If possible, delegate tasks that someone else can handle in your absence and off er to do the same for them when they take a few days off.7. Allow yourself to continue to relax and try new thingsOne of the best parts of getting away is experiencing new things. Why not try incorporating some of that vacation mindset into your everyday routine when you get home? Do something out of the box that you normally wouldnt do. Make an appointment for a massage. Sit on a patio and drink a fancy cocktail. Read a book set in an exotic locale. Try a new recipe or restaurant that reminds you of the food you atewhile you were away. Any of these new activities will help youstay excited about the reality ahead.8. Get back to basicsWhen you get back, you dont need to be superhuman. Dont plan a new exercise routine or try a new diet or take up a new hobby just stick to the basicsfor a week or so.Dont try to accomplish too much. Give yourself time to readjust before adding anything new. No need to overdo just coast for a bit. If you can texas tea on the comforts of your usual rout ine, you may not feel as overwhelmed. And remember, getting the must-dos done is enough.9. Plan your next tripIf youre bummed about coming back from vacation, one of the best ways to break out of that mindset is to plan your next one.Many of us come back inspired by what weve seen and experienced, and immediately start daydreaming of where we might like to go next. If it helps you to have a plan, by all means, make one.10. Take it one step at a timeSo, youre traveling back home and running through your mind are 101 things you need to do when you get there. Next thing you know, youre more stressed out than before you left. But stop.Before you get caught up in the endless list of what needs your attention, take a deep breath. Focus on the next task at hand. Once you have a sense of being able to tackle that next task,move on to the next thing. That will help give you a feeling of, Oh, I can do this. And that feeling will give you the confidence you need to get fully up to speed again. ..eventually.--Youll find Michelle Garrett at the intersection of PR, content marketing and social media. A true mompreneur, Michelle launched her consulting business so she could better balance work with motherhood. Shes a public relations consultant,blogger, speaker and award-winning writer whose articles and advice have been featured inEntrepreneur, Forbes, Muck Rack, Ragans PR Daily, Spin Sucks, CIO, MeltwaterandFreelancers Union.